
You can search and stream music on your Family Hub through Pandora.

To access the Pandora app

On the Home screen, tap the Pandora app.

  • The design of the app and the controls may differ depending on your settings and software version. If you have deleted the app from the Home screen, tap Apps and then tap the app to add it back to the Home screen.
  • Before you can use Pandora, you must create a Pandora account at on your computer or mobile app.

Once you are signed in, you will remain signed in until you sign out, even if you close Pandora.

Main screen description

01  Playback control
  • Tap to control, pause, rewind, or fast forward.
02  Album cover
  • Displays the album cover of the music.
03  Return
  • Tap to return to the Home screen.
04  Like/Dislike
  • Tap to like or dislike music.
05  Bluetooth
  • Tap to turn on Bluetooth and to pair/connect with a Bluetooth device.
06  Time bar
  • Displays the playback time.
07  Volume control
  • Tap to adjust the volume.
08  Add
  • Tap to search and add a station.
09  Station list
  • Displays list of stations added by the user. You can change or delete a station.
10  Shuffle
  • Tap to play music randomly among your stations.
11  Sign Out
  • Tap to check or sign out from your account.